Capacity building for journalists of three hill districts
Supported by: UNESCO/IPDC
Project period: June 2010- May 2011
The project was launched in June 1, 2010. Under the project curriculum News Network organised three different one- month long training sessions in hilly districts i.e. Khagarachari, Bandarban and Rangamati of Bangladesh. The idea of training the journalists of Hilly regions was undertaken for the first time in a country like Bangladesh. Senior journalists, who are currently working for international and national media conducted the courses.
60 local journalists, including 9 female and 51 male were brought under the skill development training. The participants found the programme very effective and beneficial for their professional carrier development. During the trainings they were given better understanding on various issues, like ethics of journalism, professional duties and responsibilities, social responsibilities of a journalist, human right, gender equalities, global warming, climate change, journalist’s role in combating corruption & bureaucracy.
The programme was conducted successfully and it made a mark on various levels especially on the journalism sector of Bangladesh. Editors and senior journalists said they are benefited from the programme. They mentioned that their reporters/ correspondents/ stringers, who received the training from the News Network are now doing far better than earlier and more careful about their professional duties and responsibilities.