ইন্টারনেট স্বাধীনতা: আর্থ-সামাজিক উন্নয়ন, মত প্রকাশের স্বাধীনতা ও জনগণের ক্ষমতায়নের জন্য প্রয়োজন
শহীদুজ্জামান বর্তমান সময়ে ইন্টারনেট জ্ঞান ও তথ্যের একটি প্রধান উৎস হয়ে ওঠার পাশাপাশি যোগাযোগ এবং চিন্তা ও অনুভূতি প্রকাশের অন্যতম কার্যকর পন্থা হয়ে উঠেছে। এটি প্রতিটি নাগরিকের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হয়ে উঠেছে। মানুষ ক্রমশ ইন্টারনেটের ওপর নির্ভরশীল হয়ে পড়ছে। ইন্টারনেট মানুষের যোগাযোগ পদ্ধতি ও স্বাধীনভাবে মতপ্রকাশের চর্চায় বৈপ্লবিক পরিবর্তন এনেছে। পাশাপাশি এটি মানুষের মৌলিক অধিকারের […]
Internet Freedom: Need for socioeconomic development, freedom of expression and empowerment of people
By Shahiduzzaman Nowadays internet has become a major source of knowledge and information as well as one of the effective ways of communication and expression of thoughts and feelings. It matters to every citizen’s day to day life. People are increasingly getting dependent on internet. The Internet has revolutionized the way people interact and exercise […]
What is an internet shutdown? A guide for South and Southeast Asia civil society
This blog post has been produced by EngageMedia as part of the Greater Internet Freedom Program. Read the report titled “Opening up the Technical Aspects of Internet Shutdowns: Spotlight on South and Southeast Asia Cases” here. In today’s digital society, internet access is essential in everyday life: from conducting business and financial transactions to communicating […]
ইন্টারনেট শাটডাউন কী? দক্ষিণ ও দক্ষিণপূর্ব এশিয়ার সুশীল সমাজের জন্য একটি নির্দেশিকা
URL: https://engagemedia.org/2022/internet-shutdowns-south-southeast-asia/ আজকের ডিজিটাল সমাজে, দৈনন্দিন জীবনে ইন্টারনেটের ব্যবহার অপরিহার্য। ব্যবসা ও আর্থিক লেনদেন থেকে শুরু করে অন্যদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ এবং অনলাইনে পড়াশোনা– সব ক্ষেত্রেই ইন্টারনেট অপরিহার্য। যখন ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহারের সুযোগ সীমিত করা হয়, যেমনটি দক্ষিণ ও দক্ষিণ-পূর্ব এশিয়ার কিছু দেশে সামাজিক অস্থিরতার সময়ে হয়েছে, তখন মানুষের জীবন দারুণভাবে ব্যাহত হয়। ইন্টারনেট শাটডাউন কী এবং সরকার বা […]
ToT programme on Digital Safety and Security of Journalists held in Dhaka
ToT programme on Digital Safety and Security of Journalists held in Dhaka #bdjournsafety News Network, Dhaka (October 4, 2020): A three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on “Digital and Physical Safety of Journalists” was held in Dhaka on September 27 -29, 2020. News Network organised the training programme with support from the Internews with a […]
Women Human Rights Defenders’ Training on Women’s and Girls’ Right & Protecting the defenders
# womenrightsdefenderstraining DHAKA, 22 December 2019: A twelve-day long rural women human rights defenders(W/HRDs) training on women rights has ended on 15 December 2019 at Dinajpur. The objective of the training was to educate rural Women Human Rights Defenders(W/HRDs) on women’s and girls’ rights and international law standards for the protecting the W/HRDs. In four batches, 100 […]
Forty Young Women Completed Fellowship on Human Rights Journalism in Rangpur and Jashore
#FemaleJournalistsFellowship DHAKA, 02 January 2020: In 2019, the News Network with support from the European Union successfully implemented four months long (September – December 2019) fellowship on Human Rights in two districts – Rangpur and Jashore. A total of 40 young women journalists were awarded in the fellowship programme. Upon completion of their fellowships, […]
Risk Analysis and Security Planning Training organized for Journalists

December 01, 2019: In between August – November 2019 News Network has organised, Risk Analysis and Security Planning Training for Journalists’ in four districts: Rajshahi, Nilphamari ,Lalmonirhart and Kurigram. The training includes: three, 5-daylong for local news reporters working for local and national news media and three, 2-daylong interaction meeting with local media gatekeepers, including […]
In-house Training of Journalists on Human Rights Journalism Fellowship Programme Completed
November 28, 2019: One-month inhouse training of a four monthlong fellowship programme on human rights journalism has completed in Rangpur and Jashore. The objectives of the programme are to encourage journalists to choose journalism as their profession and contribute towards protection of women’s and girls’ rights. 40 young potential women has been awarded for the […]
Annual Conference of Central Caucus: Delegates demanded safety and security for of the human rights defenders
The First Annual Conference of Central Caucus of the “Bangladesh Human Rights Defenders’ Forum (BHRDF)” held here today at Rangpur. Delegates from different districts, including Rangpur, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat, Dinajpur, Nilphamari, Satkhira, Rajshahi and Jashore attended the conference. The day-long conference was chaired by BHRDF President Moshfeka Razzak. In the opening session, General Secretary Habibur Rahman […]