GENEVA (ILO News) – The objective of the competition is to recognize exemplary media coverage on labour migration by encouraging professional journalists to produce written articles or videos/multimedia that while not overlooking the negative aspects (e.g. often a hard reality of exploitation and violation of human and labour rights), also show the positive results of fair labour migration governance, and highlight and highlight key aspects of migration (e.g. recruitment) as well as the positive contribution of migrant workers to countries of origin, transit and destination.
This second global media competition “Breaking Stereotypes on Labour Migration” is organized by the International Labour Organization in collaboration with the International Trade Union Confederation, the International Organization of Employers, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Federation of Journalists, Equal Times, Solidarity Center, Human Rights Watch, and Migrant Forum in Asia.
The competition starts on 14 September 2016 and closes on 31 October 2016. Professional journalists are invited to submit one piece of their work to one of the two following categories:
- written articles (online or print articles)
- videos/multimedia
Articles should not exceed 2000 and videos/multimedia should not be longer than 5 minutes. Submissions must have been published between 1 January 2015 and 31 October 2016 to qualify.
The submitted entries should cover labour migration-related issues. Refugees and displaced persons, where they are employed as workers outside their own countries, are considered migrant workers. As such, submissions covering international migrant workers and refugees (participating in labour markets outside their own countries) will be accepted.
Two winners will be selected in each category; and each winner will receive a prize of $1000. Winning entries will be featured on ILO website and widely promoted as an example of good journalism.
More info:–en/index.htm